Estate Planning

How do you plan for the what-ifs life throws at you? You buy insurance to protect yourself.

How do you plan for the inevitable? Have you started making a plan for yourself? For your parents?

Introducing ReadyWhen a simple, secure, and fast digital Estate management solution. Built by subject matter experts with over +15 years of legal experience, they proactively guide you to enter, upload and store the right information so you can build a complete Estate plan.

How do you plan for the what-ifs life throws at you? You buy insurance to protect yourself.

How do you plan for the inevitable? Have you started making a plan for yourself? For your parents?

Introducing ReadyWhen a simple, secure, and fast digital Estate management solution. Built by subject matter experts with over +15 years of legal experience, they proactively guide you to enter, upload and store the right information so you can build a complete Estate plan.

They also help when the inevitable happens by guiding both your family and executor so they know what to do, who to contact, and how to manage a tough situation. This is all built on their platform using military-grade encryption and security protocols.

Life’s unpredictable. Be ReadyWhen.

How do you plan for the what-ifs life throws at you? You buy insurance to protect yourself.

How do you plan for the inevitable? Have you started making a plan for yourself? For your parents?

Introducing ReadyWhen a simple, secure, and fast digital Estate management solution. Built by subject matter experts with over +15 years of legal experience, they proactively guide you to enter, upload and store the right information so you can build a complete Estate plan. They also help when the inevitable happens by guiding both your family and executor so they know what to do, who to contact, and how to manage a tough situation. This is all built on their platform using military-grade encryption and security protocols.

Life’s unpredictable. Be ReadyWhen.

Why should you start?

On average, it can take up to 2 years to settle an Estate. That means paying for professional assistance and spending an enormous amount of time playing document detective. The right planning now means less stress for your family later.

How to start?

With ReadyWhen, you don’t need a will. You don’t need to own a property. You don’t need to have life insurance. You simply start with what you have.

Click the button below to speak with a ReadyWhen representative to learn more or get started today.

Learn More


Retirement Planning

Financial Comprehensive Retirement Planning | 123 Retire

Retirement planning will take up a big chunk of your life - ideally, you want to begin the minute you start a career and continue planning for the rest of your life.

Of course, this is not something most people will do.

Many people get so overwhelmed with retirement planning that they never start in the first place. And it's not your fault if you're confused about retirement planning - most of the information out there is either too technical or too vague to be useful.

The good news? That's why we're here.

At 123Retire, we keep it as simple as possible. We start by getting to know your personal goals and objectives so that we can help you to live out the rest of your life in the way YOU want to. It's not about survival; it's about living.

With our help, you can develop a foolproof plan for achieving your unique retirement goals. You'll finally get answers to those burning questions such as:

  • How can I live a meaningful life without jeopardizing my retirement?
  • How can I ensure I don't run out of money and outlive my resources?
  • Will my family be taken care of when I'm gone?

Here's are some of the services we offer:

  • Cash flow management
  • Tax planning strategies
  • Maximizing pensions and government benefits
  • Strategic investment strategies
  • Healthcare and insurance coverage advice
  • Effective estate planning

Get in touch with us and let's make the most out of your life after work.

Schedule a free consultation

Total Wealth Planning

Financial Total Wealth Planning & Services | 123 Retire AB

A financial dream is just like any other dream, except it comes with a price tag. And if it’s a goal, it’ll have a deadline as well.

Once you share with us what it is you want to do with your life, we’ll help you make it real using the financial resources available to you – if it’s possible (we won’t lie to you).

To start with we’ll show you how to find the balance between risk exposure and investment security that works best for you. We’ll also teach you how to make better investment decisions so that you avoid those emotional knee-jerk reactions to changes in the markets that destroy so many dreams.

When it comes to cost, our fees will depend upon what’s the most cost-effective option for YOU. We believe that putting our clients first is the best business policy.

Our priority will always be to educate you and prevent you from taking on too much risk, paying too much in fees or taxes, or making investment decisions that don’t meet your long-term financial goals.

In other words, we want you to have a simple, understandable investment process that is customized to achieve your unique wants and needs. But most important, we want you to live – to enjoy how you spend your time.

Find out how we can help you connect all the dots in your financial life and bring simplicity back into your life.

Schedule a free consultation

Do you have enough money?  Create a Financial Plan for a life worth living.